
July 16, 2008, 10:19 am


Mystical Montre Plushie

Mystical Montre Plushie

What's so mystical about this anyway?

User Price: 4,999,999


The <b>Mystical Donadak Plushie</b> and <b>Mystical Montre Plushie</b> have been lowered by $20 each in the <a href=/cashshop.php?act=items>Cash Shop</a> :o!

For those of you who have previously used one of these amazing plushies, you've been given <b>2</b> extra pet slots. That means that you can have a total of <b>22</b> slots ONLY if you've used one of these in the past :o!

(The limit using the plushies is still 20 ;))


Joined 17 Sep 2004

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December 31, 1969, 7:00 pm by


Joined 06 Mar 2006

Last seen Aug 21, 2022

That's what I thought. Thank you very much for the confirmation Keith. Now I just have to run out and grab another GA =)

December 31, 1969, 7:00 pm by


Joined 11 Feb 2007

Last seen Oct 13, 2022

Thanks, Keith, you're a sweetheart!

December 31, 1969, 7:00 pm by


Joined 16 May 2007

Last seen Aug 03, 2023

YES! I was trying to decide whether I wanted an angelic potion or a plushie, but now I can have both. Thanks, Keith!

December 31, 1969, 7:00 pm by


Joined 17 Sep 2004

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Yup, if you've EVER used a mystical plushie (even for one slot) you were given two free slots today

Even if it was the day they were released.

December 31, 1969, 7:00 pm by


Joined 06 Mar 2006

Last seen Aug 21, 2022

Keith, you're showing an amazing abundance of kindness. I'm not complaining at all. I am severely grateful for these extra slots, as I myself have purchased those plushies in the past.

December 31, 1969, 7:00 pm by


Joined 17 Jul 2006

Last seen Dec 23, 2023

Any idea when pet names are going to clear Keith?

Thank you so much, I'm way exited!

December 31, 1969, 7:00 pm by


Joined 06 Mar 2006

Last seen Aug 21, 2022

Terribly sorry for this double post, but I forgot to ask... Can we use the new slots only if we have an active gold account, like we have to when we use the plushies to get those slots?

December 31, 1969, 7:00 pm by


Joined 09 Aug 2007

Last seen Sep 03, 2020

bloodred aeanoid here i come! love fest here...

December 31, 1969, 7:00 pm by


Joined 17 Sep 2004

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That is the case, Princess. Otherwise your slots don't include the 5 give by a gold account

December 31, 1969, 7:00 pm by


Joined 21 Oct 2005

Last seen Jan 28, 2021

Well I missed out on the two extra pet slots, but bargain prices are always good :3 I might actually be able to afford them now lol

Thanks Keith

December 31, 1969, 7:00 pm by


Joined 07 May 2007

Last seen Feb 16, 2020

Wait, so I get 22 spaces because I had 20 previously? 8D

But yay for the price going down a bit on them. Some other things could use a little price break like the Miracle potions... The price back when they were released was probably ok, but in these hard times you'd probably sell more by dropping the price. Just a suggestion, certainly not a demand

December 31, 1969, 7:00 pm by


Joined 04 Apr 2006

Last seen Jun 08, 2024

This is awesome. This means I don't have to morph and rename one of my favorite pets. <3 And I got the names I wanted for my new sweeties.

December 31, 1969, 7:00 pm by


Joined 22 Nov 2006

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Just curious, what is the reasoning behind giving those that have already bought the plushies the 2 extra slots? Why not offer it to anyone wanting to buy the plushies now? For a limited time of course..

December 31, 1969, 7:00 pm by


Joined 06 Apr 2007

Last seen Sep 14, 2014

Never bought one of these in the past and probably never will (can't spend money on the interwebz ), but I just thought it was great that you considered those who had already bought plushies and gave them extra slots. :3

December 31, 1969, 7:00 pm by


Joined 04 Dec 2004

Last seen Sep 13, 2024

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-rushes to reactivate gold account- I used the plushies ages ago..but I can hope right?

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