
September 2021 Collection
ItemID: 234871
September 2021 Collection

September 2021 Collection

There are a lot of great things inside this bag. Go on, open it up and pick something out!

User Price: 27,999,995

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Fresh Wildflower Bouquet

So fresh, the butterflies still linger!

User Price: 30,000,000

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Sugar Luna Moth

You mean... I can eat it? But it's way too pretty for that...

User Price: 24,500,000

Into the Flame

Into the Flame

Decades ago, somewhere deep in the mountains of Darkside, a lost illumis fell into a pool of radioactive waste, but did not drown. The illumis struggled and swam out of the glowing liquid. Not a simple feat for a creature with wings. While laying on the edge of the pool waiting for their wings to dry, the exhausted illumis fell asleep. Upon awakening, the once tiny illumis found themself no longer small. The radioactive water must have caused their body to grow exponentially in size! However, all that was on the once small insect's mind was food. Glorious food! Not giving one thought to their new size (and new color scheme), the illumis took to the sky in search of something to eat. A few beats of their new jumbo wings and the illumis found themself coming upon a rather large pumpkin patch. Unfortunately, the people of the area weren't keen on having a massive, radioactive moth gorge on the pumpkins, so a sizeable group attacked and drove the poor illumis away. This was the case wherever the illumis went. Over and over, the illumis was driven away, and in fear, their wings accidentally caused massive wind surges which laid devastation on the area. The illumis retreated back to the mountains of Darkside, never to be seen again.

User Price: 24,000,000

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Swallowtail Hair Oil

This oil will have your hair looking as pretty as a butterfly. TRANSFORMS BETWEEN: Swallowtail Hair Oil, Silk Moth Hair Gel

User Price: 17,899,000

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Nectar Soda

Sorry, we don't have Nectar Pop - is Nectar Soda okay? TRANSFORMS BETWEEN: Nectar Soda, Nectar Pop

User Price: 22,500,000

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big bucks 22,500,000
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